- All goods/activities/services provided by the vendor must be approved in advance by Medeltidsveckan. Medeltidsveckan will only approve such content and materials etc, that existed historically in the medieval age, or that fits within the theme of the festival in other ways. All should be of medieval look and feel, inspired by the medieval age or near periods, and created with materials and techniques suitable for the theme.
- You may not expand the allotted space/s on the markets. If when measuring your footprint is determined to be larger than agreed, you may be asked to leave and billed for additional space.
- Your participation must be paid in advance of your arrival. If the payment has not arrived on agreed date, you will not receive an allotted space and you may be denied participation. Please note that we cannot accept payment on site.
- The allotted space is to be filled and used all agreed dates and times. If you run out of goods or for other reason like to close ahead of agreed date, Medeltidsveckan needs to be informed in advance without delay. Participation will be billed as agreed on application. Note that you may not dismantle your stand, tent etc ahead of agreed time, and only after public open hours of the markets.
- The markets are open August 6-12, 2023 on the following times: Sunday-Saturday 11:00-19:00. Sunday August 13, 11:00-16:00.
- Your market stand and tents etc should be of medieval look and feel, from wood, wrought metal and fabric etc. Iron tubes and profiles are not allowed. Roof and walls etc from fabric, wood or other period materials. Note that all areas, including back of stand/store, storage etc, needs to adhere to these regulations. Use decorative and historical partitions, and cover and rain protection tarps with natural looking fabric.
- All approved modern gear must be stored and covered in a medieval style. NOTE that it is not allowed to have cars and campers etc parked at the market (and these cannot be covered with fabric and kept on the area). Exceptions may be given in advance for preparation and sanity areas. Keep the back of your area clean and attractive to passing guests.
- Signage must be in medieval style. Most period is a wood or fabric sign with pained symbols rather than text. You may use signs in wood or fabric with hand made text, as long as a medieval font is used. Inappropriate signs may be denied. Cardboard is not allowed as signage.
- You may not display products on: paper tablecloth, modern metal containers, plastic bags, plastic pitchers, thermoses, aluminium foil or on plastic hangers. Plastic cutlery is not allowed, wood, bambuu or biodegradable eco friendly cutlery is required.
- Vendors must wear medieval style clothes. Please also remember medieval style shoes. All vendors should have headwear. Simple tunic over modern clothes and sneakers is not acceptable.
- All sales of coffee and alcoholic beverages are done by Medieval week, and strictly prohibited for vendors. The sale of carbonated soft drinks is only allowed by restaurant vendors. Soft drinks are not allowed on display on the counter.
- Vehicles (cars, trucks etc) are only allowed for deliveries and other transportations in the markets no closer than one hour ahead of or after the public open hours. All vehicles must be removed from the area no less than 60 minutes before the markets open. Please note that this is partly for public safety, as guests start to arrive ahead of opening, and general public frequent the area, to avoid personal injuries and obstructions. A car free environment is also vital to the guest experience.
- There are high standards to the waste management. Medeltidsveckan strive to be eco friendly as much as possible, including sorting different factions of waste.
- Over night stay to guard your tent and stall, must be applied for in advance of arrival. Only approved vendors may stay over night. Such approval can only be given by Medeltidsveckan, ahead of the festival.
- Electricity can be provided. The fee includes:
- Usage
- Connection fee
- Service fees
- If in need of electricity, please note that in the application, specify intended use. Bring grounded cables and plugs, if a power outage is tracked to your activity you may be charged extra. We will make control checks of your usage and may bill you for extra usage. Any unauthorised access to the power grid will result in immediate removal from the festival area. Electricity is provided from Saturday August 5 to Sunday August 13. Your allotted place may be given with regards to power outlets and consumption. There is a charging station at the Medeltidsveckan market booth for cellphones and card readers. Bring your own chargers and adapters. Only grounded cables may be used, approved for outdoor use (IP44 or higher). Maximum 230V, 1000w in common power connector. For higher use a three phase (16A/23A) is required.
- All marked vendors must be out of the area no later than 12:00 måndag August 14. Subsequent days may be reported to the authorities and will be billed 3000 kr/day.
- Toilets and electricity is available up until public closing hours, Sunday August 13, 16:00. After this time we reser to public toilets.
- Any left material and garbage will be billed per kg.
- Cancelling approved participation must be made in writing (email). The administrative fee will not be refunded. Cancellations 15-30 days before last day of payment will be billed 25% of sum, 7-14 days from payment deadline is billed 50% or sum. Cancellations closer to or after payment deadline will be billed 100% of sum.
- Medeltidsveckan may reject or remove any vendor not in compliance of these terms, or in violation of the laws and regulations. No compensation will be paid to the vendor in such cases.
This is the January 2023 version of these terms, with reservation for changes. Please don’t hesitate to contact Medeltidsveckan with any questions: info@medeltidsveckan.se